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Thrangu Phende Clinic

Namo Buddha, Nepal

About Thrangu Phende Clinic

The Thrangu Phende Clinic is located at Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery in Namo Buddha, Nepal. The Clinic provides much needed health care to the resident monks and visitors at the monastery, as well as to some 3,000 villagers who live nearby.


The Clinic offers both Western medicine as well as acupuncture treatment. Trained monks from the monastery staff and run the Clinic. In addition, the Clinic hires the services of two local visiting doctors, as well as an Acupuncture nurse, to help staff the Clinic.


Villagers pay a small registration fee, but all other services at the Clinic are free. The Clinic provides basic treatment for conditions such as skin diseases, burns, infections, diarrhea, and allergies. These conditions could become debilitating or fatal if left untreated. The Clinic also has a small on-site pharmacy, which dispenses medicine to patients free of charge. 


Global Dental Relief  runs dental clinics twice yearly and has supplied dental equipment that is kept at the Clinic permanently. Kansai Medical University Hospital of Japan held an eye camp in 2012, serving 500 villagers and performing 60 operations.


The Need

The Clinic has ongoing operational expenses, which include the purchase of medicines and medical supplies, as well as salaries for our local hired doctors and acupuncture nurse. By making a donation to support the Clinic, you can help us to continue to provide essential medical help to the local villagers as well as the monks at the monastery.


A Day at Thrangu Phende Clinic

Namo Buddha Foundation is a Canadian registered charitable organization (891225211RR0001) founded by Thrangu Rinpoche to provide food, clothing, medical care and education to the poor children of the Himalayan region, and to support nunneries, monasteries, schools, free clinics, retreat centres and monastic colleges in Nepal and India.


PO Box 46898 STN.D. 

Vancouver, BC  V6J 5M4  CANADA


Charity Number: 891225211RR0001

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