What a delight it is to announce that the reconstruction at Tara Abbey is nearly finished!
Miyamoto International recently completed the retrofit and repair and officially handed over control of the remaining work to Tara Abbey on the 25th of April, 2018, which is the 3rd anniversary of the Nepal earth quake.
The Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation was the main sponsor for this engineering work, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them for their tremendous generosity.
Inside painting and furnishings are all that remain now to be completed.
Artists have started working on the traditional painting of the 21 Taras on the walls of the main temple.
Please go to our donation page if you would like to make a donation towards this artwork.
Rinpoche led a blessing for the main statue so the nuns can move back into the shrine hall.
The official opening ceremony will be held some time next year.