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SMD News

Writer's picture: NBF CanadaNBF Canada
SMD Gets a Science Lab

Having recently been granted Municipal approval, the first classes using the new chemistry and physics labs at Shree Mangal Dvip School are underway. While other grades certainly are making use of the facilities, this is a boon for Class 11 and 12 students. They now have five streams of study from which to choose: Science, Humanities, Business Management, Computer Science, and Gompa or Traditional Buddhist Studies. Those who want to study and graduate in the science stream no longer have to enroll outside of SMD.

SMD Basketball Coach

SMD students love to play basketball and are thrilled to have a new coach staff who was himself an SMD'er! Tsering Thinlay Lama lives in Boudha and was born in 2002 in Humla. He attended SMD from 2005 until Class 5 when he transferred to Lovely Angel Boarding School, studying through Class 10. Tsering Thinlay has since been enrolled at The Times International College and having completed Grades 11 and 12, he is now in his third year of study toward a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work.

Tsering Thinlay began playing basketball at 14, and by the age of 16 was recruited to play professionally for the Nepal National Team (under 16 category) representing his country in the South Asian Basketball Association international competition ~ a special achievement! He continues to play at The Times Basketball Club and likes to teach the junior students as a hobby. Coaching is offered at SMD 5 days a week from 4 to 5:30 PM. Sunday and Monday for boys ~ Thursday and Friday for girls. Wednesdays are shared, 1st and 3rd boys, 2nd and 4th girls. Tsering Thinlay says he loves the kids and their excitement. "They are always ready to learn and very hard working. I guess they will win a tournament of some sort - I hope!"

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Namo Buddha Foundation is a Canadian registered charitable organization (891225211RR0001) founded by Thrangu Rinpoche to provide food, clothing, medical care and education to the poor children of the Himalayan region, and to support nunneries, monasteries, schools, free clinics, retreat centres and monastic colleges in Nepal and India.


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